Södra Building Systems is growing - number of employees in the segment to double

VÄXJÖ (News release) -- Over the next three years, the number of employees in the Södra Building Systems business segment will be doubled.

Södra's second production facility for cross-laminated timber is scheduled for completion by mid-2022. The facility will be able to deliver framing materials for 4,000 homes per year, which is ten times the current output of Södra's existing facility at Värö.

The organisation is also growing. In order to realise the investment, the number of employees in the Södra Building Systems business segment will need to grow from the current number of 40 to least 80 within three years. New employees will be needed in several areas, including production, market and technology. The employees will mainly be sought for Södra's combined facility at Värö, aiming at areas such as Halland, Västra Götaland and western Småland.

"We have a major need for new experience and skills to continue the development of Södra's cross-laminated timber business. We are seeking new employees to help us drive the transition to a sustainable future built from wood," said Liv Hagner, Head of Production, Södra Building Systems.

Start in autumn 2021
Recruitments will commence in autumn 2021 and people from a range of fields will be sought.

"We will need to increase the number of employees in production, in particular, and are seeking people with industrial experience and an interest in technology. A background or qualifications in wood technology is of merit. We are also looking for team players who want to contribute to production efficiency and high quality throughout the process. To build a competent team, we are also focused on bringing in equal strengths from diverse backgrounds," said Liv Hagner.

Major interest in solid wood construction
The interest in Södra's products for large-scale solid wood construction is high.

"Demand is currently exceeding capacity, which is the driving factor behind our investment right now. During our start-up years, there has been a rapid development of knowledge in the market and we are now seeing more operators that are daring to focus on wood to identify the most effective solutions for sustainable construction technologies. We are also seeing a sharp increase in global demand for solid wood construction. We want to continue being part of this trend, and to pursue it together with more colleagues at Södra," said Urban Blomster, Head of Market and Business Development at Södra Building Systems.

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