Mercer Celgar partners with Skemxist Solutions, an Osoyoos Indian Band (OIB) company, to jointly operate a log sort yard in Okanagan Falls, British Columbia, Canada.
The log sort yard will maximize fibre utilization, including timber from fire-damaged forests, and reduce inefficiencies. The log sort yard will operate 11 months a year, ensuring a consistent supply of fibre for Mercer Celgar's operations while supporting regional forestry goals. Managed by Skemxist Solutions, the facility prioritizes safety, efficiency, and advanced sorting techniques to achieve full resource utilization.
Skemxist Solutions will create skilled jobs for OIB members, such as log scalers and equipment operators. Mercer Celgar plays a direct role in supporting training programs designed to meet industry standards, ensuring participants gain the expertise needed for long-term forestry careers.
The Osoyoos Indian Band, recognized for its economic and community development leadership, joins forces with the Sutherland Group, a forestry solutions leader specializing in efficient resource management. Together, they bring cultural heritage and operational expertise to Skemxist Solutions.